Can You Get Shin Splints From Hiking?


Shin splints are a common injury that can result from the overuse of the muscles in your feet. Shin splints are caused by inflammation of the soft tissue in the front of your shin. Shin splints develop as a result of overusing the muscles, tendons, and bone tissue. Athletes often get shin splints when they change their routine or go above and beyond their usual routine.

Hiking, however, is assumed by some people to be less rigorous than running or jogging. So can you get shin splints from hiking?

This article will explore the possibility of getting shin splints from hiking.

Let’s dig in.

Can You Get Shin Splints From Hiking?

Shin splints are a type of injury that can be caused by running or any other physical activity. Shin splints occur when the shin muscles are overused and become inflamed. Symptoms may include pain around the ankle and quadriceps muscle, tenderness on pressure testing, and swelling in the lower leg.

Yes, you can get shin splints from hiking. Hiking can cause shin splints for a variety of reasons. If you are hiking in a new area or a new environment, your body may not be used to the activity. 

How To Prevent Shin Splints While Hiking

Shin splints are a type of pain that is usually felt below the knee. They are caused when the tissues that make up the shin bone become inflamed. Hiking is one activity that is known to cause shin splints.

Here are some steps that you can take to prevent shin splints from occurring while hiking:

  • Check the terrain ahead of you carefully. Make sure that the ground is firm and free of steep inclines or boulders that could cause you to stumble.
  • Extend your stride on level ground, and take shorter strides on hills or uneven terrain.
  • Use a hiking stick to help you make smoother and steadier movements.
  • Wear proper shoes that fit correctly and provide adequate cushioning.
  • Warm up gradually before starting your hike.
  • Continue hiking after completing a gradual warm-up.
  • Take ibuprofen or other pain relief medication if you experience sharp pain.
  • If you experience significant pain, rest as much as possible.

If you are experiencing pain while hiking, it is important to consult a physician to determine the cause and to provide you with instructions on how to prevent shin splints from occurring in the future.

Taking the following steps will help to prevent shin splints from becoming more severe. These steps are also good for preventing other types of overuse injuries.

What Are Shin Splints?

Shin splints are a type of injury that affects the shinbone, the largest and strongest bone in the leg. It occurs when the shinbone is overloaded because of excessive weight-bearing or jumping.

There are several ways to get shin splints, but the most common is when you jump and land on your shinbone with too much force.

Can You Hike With Shin Splints? 

Hiker running on rock

If you have shin splints, you may be able to hike with them. However, it is important to avoid hiking with shin splints until you have consulted a physician. Hiking with shin splints can make them worse and can lead to other injuries.

If you are experiencing shin splints, you should rest as much as possible and take pain relief medications. However, you should also consult a physician to determine the cause of your shin splints and to determine the best course of treatment. 

What Causes Shin Splints? 

Shin splints are caused by the overuse of the muscles that support the lower leg. Shin splints are a common injury that can affect runners and athletes of all ages. Shin splints occur when the muscles on either side of the shinbone (tibia) become fatigued from overuse or incorrect running form.

They usually cause pain in one or both shins, which is worsened with any sudden movement, such as getting up after sitting down. Shin splints typically go away without treatment within days if you follow proper rest and exercise guidelines. However, they may linger for weeks if ignored. You can get shin splints from different types of activities, but the most common cause is jumping.

When you jump, your body stretches the ligaments that hold the shinbone in place. Over time, these ligaments can become damaged and swell. This can cause the shinbone to rub against the bone in your leg, which can cause pain and bruise.

How Can I Treat Shin Splints Caused By Hiking?

There is no one fix for shin splints, but treatments will vary depending on the severity of the injury. If you have mild shin splints, you may be able to treat them at home. If the shin splints are more severe, you may need to go to the hospital. In the hospital, you may be given a range of treatments, including ice and compression therapy.

To treat shin splints at home, you can use the following: 

  • Ice to reduce swelling. 
  • Compression bandages reduce swelling and prevent further injury. 
  • Massage to relieve the pain and loosen tight muscles. 
  • Stretching exercises relax the muscles and improve flexibility. 
  • Stretching exercises to improve muscle strength and flexibility. 

Can Shin Splints Be Treated At Home? 

Shin splints are a common complaint among runners and walkers. They can be caused by many factors, including running on hard surfaces or hills, pronating the foot (a habit of putting pressure on one’s toes when walking), wearing ill-fitting shoes, or overexerting yourself. Shin splints often occur in the front of the shinbone due to extension stress from weight-bearing activities such as running.

  • The treatment for shin splints will depend on how severe they are and whether you have any other medical issues that might complicate your treatment. Treatment for mild shin splints may include ice and compression therapy. If you have more severe shin splints, you may need to go to the hospital to receive a range of treatments.
  • To treat spin splints, there are two steps involved. The first step is to stop the activity that is causing the shin splints. This may mean stopping running, stopping jumping, or cutting back on the amount of time you spend playing sports. For people who can’t stop their activity, their doctor may give them crutches so they can continue their activity safely.
  • The second step is to treat the inflammation with ice, compression, and ibuprofen. Rest and elevation also help reduce inflammation and pain. In some cases, additional exercises, such as calf raises, can also help.

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Shin splints are a common injury that can be very painful and sometimes difficult to treat. If you have shin splints, you can reduce the pain and inflammation with rest, ice, and pain medication. It is also important to keep in mind that you can not hike with shin splints unless you want the pain to escalate.

And also, you can get shin splints while hiking, especially if the terrain is rough and you have to stretch your legs and muscles. If you plan to hike with shin splints, make sure you check with your physician before you start hiking. 

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Written by Jane Miller

I'm Nomadic Jane, a digital nomad and travel blogger. Since 2009, I've been traveling the world and exploring cultures through my travel blog.