Can Hiking Boots Be Resoled? DIY Hiking Tips and Guide

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Hiking is an activity that requires a certain amount of dedication and focus. You need to be able to push yourself to go further and higher, and when you’re done, you need to be able to comfortably walk back to the car. Before you know it, an entire day has passed and you’re ready to head home.

These are some of the reasons why you should buy a pair of hiking boots. However, if you’re like most people, you’re probably wondering if your hiking boots can be resoled. Don’t worry; we’ve got your back.

This article will answer all of your questions about hiking boots and resoling. Keep reading to discover everything you ever wanted to know about the potential of your hiking boots being resoled.

Can Hiking Boots be Resoled?

When you’re shopping for new hiking boots, you might be tempted to buy them just in case they need resoling sometime down the line. But don’t worry; it can be done. Many hiking boots are made of leather and can be resoled by a company.

So, before you decide whether or not you want to buy a new pair of boots or not, find out if your boots can be resoled.

Step-by-Step Guide on How To Resole Hiking Boots at Home

There are plenty of benefits to resoling over purchasing new boots. You can continue to wear your old boots, they’ll last longer and be more comfortable.

Are you ready to learn how to resole hiking boots? Keep reading for our step-by-step guide.

I. Remove the Uppers and Laces

Before we can resole hiking boots, we have to take off the uppers. It is quick and easy to do. The next thing to do after removing the uppers is to remove the laces.

– You can do this by gently sliding your hand up the outside of each boot to loosen the metal eyelet on either side of the upper.

– Bend down and pull out one metal eyelet at a time, being careful not to damage the leather itself with your nails or fingers

– Continue pulling until you’ve removed all the metal eyelets from both boots and then remove the laces from each boot one last time before putting them around your wrist for safekeeping.

The next thing after removing the uppers and laces is cleaning. We recommend using a product like Nikwax Footwear Cleaner that will dissolve any leftover residue left behind by dirt and sweat while also leaving a protective coating on your boots after cleaning them so they don’t become dirty again when you put them back on.

If you want to be extra thorough, feel free to use a damp cloth with mild soap to wipe down any remaining residue on your soles as well as inside any crevices in between toes or in places where dirt has gathered. The next step is applying glue called “soling cement” that will stick two layers of leather together once it dries – this makes sure that water doesn’t seep into these areas and rot them away over time.

II. Remove the Insoles and Soles

The first step is to remove the insoles. Pull them out with a little force, then use a soft brush or cloth to clean the inside of the boots. If there are any dust particles or dirt on them, clean them off and wipe them down with a damp rag.

Also, don’t forget to remove the old sole. If they’re really bad, you may want to replace the whole boot before resoling them. If you’re struggling with this, use a hammer and screwdriver to remove the screws holding on the old sole.

III. Remove Old Glue & Prep for Resole

Before you begin, it’s important to remove the old glue. This will make sure your new soles are installed correctly. You can do this with a hairdryer or by heating up the joint with a lighter.

If you are replacing a worn-out sole, use wax or oil to increase water resistance and help protect the leather. If you are resoling a new pair of boots, apply an adhesive (like Gorilla Glue) on one side of the old sole, then place it on the other side of the new sole. The best method for doing this is by placing the soles together and applying pressure with your thumbs until they bond together.

The last step is to trim the excess leather around the edges of both soles so they fit flush with each other. This will help make sure both pieces of leather stay attached to each other and don’t separate over time.

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What are The Type of Hiking Boots?

Hiking boots come in many different types. The type that you need depends on the terrain and the level of difficulty. Below are the common type of hiking boots:

  • Hiking Boots: These are sturdy, waterproof boots designed for hikes. They usually have a leather upper, a rubber sole, and gaiters to keep out mud and debris.
  • Hike/Trail shoes: These shoes are lightweight but still offer protection from rocks and thorns. They typically have leather uppers with a mesh or other breathable material underneath. The soles are made with EVA foam or rubber to provide traction on slippery surfaces like snow and rock faces.
  • Trekking Shoes: These shoes weigh more than your average hiking boots, but they’re perfect for trekking long distances over rough terrain because they’re not as heavy as other hiking boot styles (such as mountaineering boots).
  • Mountaineering Boots: If you’re planning on climbing mountains or going on a trek through the mountains, these boots will make it possible for you to do so without having any issues with your feet. These are typically made with leather uppers and durable materials like Gore-Tex that provide protection from sharp rocks and wet weather conditions.

The type of boot that you need largely depends on the level of difficulty and terrain of your hike; however, once your shoe is worn down, it can be resoled by a professional cobbler in order to prolong its lifespan.

Can Hiking Boots be Repaired?

Yes, hiking boots can be repaired. However, most companies who repair hiking boots will only do so if the boots are still in their original condition. In other words, your hiking boots must have not been used extensively or abused to successfully be repaired.

It’s important that you maintain your hiking boots for them to remain in good condition and ready for resoling, which is why it’s important that you take good care of them.

If you’re worried about how much money it will cost to repair your footwear, don’t worry. It’s a fairly inexpensive process compared to buying a new pair of shoes.

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Resoling vs. Repairs: Which One Is Better?

There are two ways to resole boots: resoling and repairs. Resoling is when a shoe is taken apart and the sole is replaced with a new one, while repairs are when a sole is replaced with a new one in an existing shoe.

The cost of resoling depends on what materials are used for the soles, how much work needs to be done, and the type of shoemaker. For example, if you opt for rubber soles, it will cost you less than if you go with leather ones.

The amount of work needed will also play into your total cost. If it’s just a simple resole that doesn’t involve having to remove stitches or replace the heel counter, then the cost will be cheaper than having to take the whole shoe down for major repairs like stitching or replacing the heel counters.

Finally, your shoemaker has a price list that gives you an idea of how much they charge per shoe size based on the materials and services they offer. Repairs typically range from $10-20 per shoe size depending on what materials need to be repaired (e.g., leather vs rubber).

Is It Worth Resoling Your Shoes?

No. Resoling your shoes is not worth the money. When you look at the quality of a shoe, it’s important to think about how many times you can wear it before it becomes worn out.

If you want to wear a pair of shoes for more than ten hours a day, then resoling them may be worth it. However, if you don’t choose the right type of shoe for your needs, and instead purchase shoes that are too hard or too comfortable, then resoling them won’t make any difference.

If you want to wear your new shoes for everyday use, then it may not be worth resealing them at all. It is better you put the time and effort into finding the right pair of shoes in-store or online before purchasing them because when they come down to it, they’re your feet on your back.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Have questions on resoling your hiking shoes? We’ve helped collected common questions and tips that are worthy of your attention.

What Are Hiking Boots?

Hiking boots are shoes that are designed to be worn while outside. They are typically made of leather, which provides a lot of protection, and they have thick, stiff soles. For this reason, they’re good for hiking and walking on rough terrain.

What is the Cause of Hiking Boots Falling Off?

The cause of hiking boots falling off is simple. Your shoes are not secured and they can fall off while you’re walking. This might happen because you don’t have the right size

Or the shoe doesn’t fit properly, or the laces are too long and come undone when you walk on uneven terrain or there is simply not enough lacing in the shoe to hold it securely on your foot.

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I have seen a lot of people wearing hiking boots to hike and when I ask them what kind of hiking boots they are wearing, they often respond “I don’t know.” And that’s because there are a lot of different types of hiking boots. And even though most hiking boots are durable, it’s still a good idea to have them resoled or repaired at least once in their lifetime.

So, if you want to know what type of hiking boots you have, check the lining. If it’s cloth, you probably have a low-profile shoe. If it’s felt, you probably have a mid-profile shoe.

If it’s leather, you probably have an over-the-top shoe with a lot of padding. And if it’s synthetic, you probably have a low-profile shoe.

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Written by Jane Miller

I'm Nomadic Jane, a digital nomad and travel blogger. Since 2009, I've been traveling the world and exploring cultures through my travel blog.